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Impact Ltd.

The idea of the Company foundation in 1990 belonged to a group of researchers, the employees of Moscow research Institutes; those were the Institutes of the Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Health (then still USSR), the Moscow State University.

Impact Company was established with the purpose of development and manufacture of modern diagnostic assays, applicable in the routine laboratory practice of the public health care institutions, introduction of other achievements of biotechnology, including adjacent branches (pharmaceutics, agricultural industry, ecology).

The analysis of the state of the art in clinical biochemical laboratories of the USSR in 80-90-ies has revealed a significant breach in the methodical level between a small amount of privileged hospitals, central regional clinics, big diagnostic centres and the usual laboratories of urban and regional medical establishments.

By staking on mass consumer Impact Ltd. sticks to the main two basic principles.

First, the development and production of diagnostic kits, based on the "final point" principle, that enables to use practically any photometer, including, still rather wide spread old models. One can do without expensive kinetic photometers and automated analysers.

It is worth mentioning that the orientation to the simple and rather cheap equipment does not entail lowered requirements to the quality or analytical characteristics of the kits.

The second principle - maintenance of the mass selling at possibly minimal manufacture profit by means of utilization, basically, home produced components and those, manufactured in CIS, especially those which define the kits price - enzymes and chromogenes.

The fulfilment of the second principle manifests itself in the pricing policy of Impact Ltd., whose products still remain the cheapest in the market of serial and officially produced in Russia.